Cantor's Theorem

Theorem: For any set (finite or otherwise), there exists an even larger set.

Prove:   ALL(s):[Set(s) 
         => EXIST(s'):[Set(s') 
         & ~EXIST(f):[ALL(a):[as => f(a)s'] & ALL(a):[as' => EXIST(b):[bs & a=f(b)]]]]]
Here, a set s' is said to be larger than a set s if there can be no function
mapping s onto all of s'.

	Prove: Set(s) 
	       => EXIST(s'):[Set(s') 
	       & ~EXIST(f):[ALL(a):[as => f(a)s'] & ALL(a):[as' => EXIST(b):[bs & a=f(b)]]]]

	1	Set(s)

	Construct the power set of s. We will show that it must be larger than s.
	Applying the Power Set Axiom...

	2	ALL(a):[Set(a) => EXIST(b):[Set(b) 
		& ALL(c):[cb <=> Set(c) & ALL(d):[dc => da]]]]
		Power Set

	3	Set(s) => EXIST(b):[Set(b) 
		& ALL(c):[cb <=> Set(c) & ALL(d):[dc => ds]]]
		U Spec, 2

	Applying the Detachment Rule on lines 3 and 1...

	4	EXIST(b):[Set(b) 
		& ALL(c):[cb <=> Set(c) & ALL(d):[dc => ds]]]
		Detach, 3, 1

	Define: p, the power set of s

	5	Set(p) 
		& ALL(c):[cp <=> Set(c) & ALL(d):[dc => ds]]
		E Spec, 4

	Splitting this definition into its component parts...

	6	Set(p)
		Split, 5

	7	ALL(c):[cp <=> Set(c) & ALL(d):[dc => ds]]
		Split, 5

		Prove: There is no f function mapping s onto all of p, that is
		       ~[ALL(a):[as => f(a)p] & ALL(a):[ap => EXIST(b):[bs & a=f(b)]]]
		Suppose to the contrary...

		8	ALL(a):[as => f(a)p] & ALL(a):[ap => EXIST(b):[bs & a=f(b)]]

		Splitting this premise...

		9	ALL(a):[as => f(a)p]
			Split, 8

		10	ALL(a):[ap => EXIST(b):[bs & a=f(b)]]
			Split, 8

		Construct k, a subset of s to obtain a contradiction.
		Applying the Subset Axiom...

		11	EXIST(k):[Set(k) & ALL(a):[ak <=> as & ~af(a)]]
			Subset, 1

		Define: k, a subset of s

		12	Set(k) & ALL(a):[ak <=> as & ~af(a)]
			E Spec, 11

		Splitting this definition...

		13	Set(k)
			Split, 12

		14	ALL(a):[ak <=> as & ~af(a)]
			Split, 12

		Prove: kp
		Applying the definition of p (the power set of s)...

		15	kp <=> Set(k) & ALL(d):[dk => ds]
			U Spec, 7

		Splitting this IFF-statement into it component implications...

		16	[kp => Set(k) & ALL(d):[dk => ds]] 
			& [Set(k) & ALL(d):[dk => ds] => kp]
			Iff-And, 15

		Splitting this AND-statement into its component parts...

		17	kp => Set(k) & ALL(d):[dk => ds]
			Split, 16

		Sufficient: For kp

		18	Set(k) & ALL(d):[dk => ds] => kp
			Split, 16

			Prove: xk => xs

			19	xk

			Applying the definition of k...

			20	xk <=> xs & ~xf(x)
				U Spec, 14

			Splitting this IFF-statement into its component parts...

			21	[xk => xs & ~xf(x)] & [xs & ~xf(x) => xk]
				Iff-And, 20

			Splitting this AND-statement into its component parts...

			22	xk => xs & ~xf(x)
				Split, 21

			23	xs & ~xf(x) => xk
				Split, 21

			Applying the Detachment Rule on lines 22 and 19...

			24	xs & ~xf(x)
				Detach, 22, 19

			Splitting this result and deleting the second part...

			25	xs
				Split, 24

		Applying the Conclusion Rule...

		26	xk => xs
			Conclusion, 19


		27	ALL(d):[dk => ds]
			U Gen, 26

		28	Set(k) & ALL(d):[dk => ds]
			Join, 13, 27

		As Required:

		29	kp
			Detach, 18, 28

		Obtain the pre-image of k. Applying the definition of f...

		30	kp => EXIST(b):[bs & k=f(b)]
			U Spec, 10

		Applying the Detachment Rule on lines 30 and 29...

		31	EXIST(b):[bs & k=f(b)]
			Detach, 30, 29

		Define: k', the pre-image of k under f

		32	k's & k=f(k')
			E Spec, 31

		Splitting this result...

		33	k's
			Split, 32

		34	k=f(k')
			Split, 32

		Is k'k? Applying the definition of k...

		35	k'k <=> k's & ~k'f(k')
			U Spec, 14


		36	k'k <=> k's & ~k'k
			Substitute, 34, 35

		Splitting this IFF-statement into its component parts...

		37	[k'k => k's & ~k'k] & [k's & ~k'k => k'k]
			Iff-And, 36

		Splitting this AND-statement...

		38	k'k => k's & ~k'k
			Split, 37

		39	k's & ~k'k => k'k
			Split, 37

			Prove: ~k'k
			Suppose to the contrary...

			40	k'k

			From the definition of k...

			41	k's & ~k'k
				Detach, 38, 40

			Splitting this result...

			42	k's
				Split, 41

			As Required:

			43	~k'k
				Split, 41

			We obtain the contradiction...

			44	k'k & ~k'k
				Join, 40, 43

		Applying the Conclusion Rule, by contradiction...

		45	~k'k
			Conclusion, 40

		Joining previous results...

		46	k's & ~k'k
			Join, 33, 45

		From the definition of k, we also have...

		47	k'k
			Detach, 39, 46

		Joining results, we obtain the contradiction...

		48	~k'k & k'k
			Join, 45, 47

	Applying the Conclusion Rule, by contradiction...

	49	~[ALL(a):[as => f(a)p] & ALL(a):[ap => EXIST(b):[bs & a=f(b)]]]
		Conclusion, 8


	50	ALL(f):~[ALL(a):[as => f(a)p] & ALL(a):[ap => EXIST(b):[bs & a=f(b)]]]
		U Gen, 49

	Switching quantifiers...

	51	~EXIST(f):~~[ALL(a):[as => f(a)p] & ALL(a):[ap => EXIST(b):[bs & a=f(b)]]]
		Quant, 50

	Removing the double negation...

	52	~EXIST(f):[ALL(a):[as => f(a)p] & ALL(a):[ap => EXIST(b):[bs & a=f(b)]]]
		Rem DNeg, 51

	Joining results on lines 6 and 52...

	53	Set(p) 
		& ~EXIST(f):[ALL(a):[as => f(a)p] & ALL(a):[ap => EXIST(b):[bs & a=f(b)]]]
		Join, 6, 52

	As Required: 
	Generalizing, we have...

	54	EXIST(s'):[Set(s') 
		& ~EXIST(f):[ALL(a):[as => f(a)s'] & ALL(a):[as' => EXIST(b):[bs & a=f(b)]]]]
		E Gen, 53

Applying the Conclusion Rule...

55	Set(s) 
	=> EXIST(s'):[Set(s') 
	& ~EXIST(f):[ALL(a):[as => f(a)s'] & ALL(a):[as' => EXIST(b):[bs & a=f(b)]]]]
	Conclusion, 1

As Required: 


56	ALL(s):[Set(s) 
	=> EXIST(s'):[Set(s') 
	& ~EXIST(f):[ALL(a):[as => f(a)s'] & ALL(a):[as' => EXIST(b):[bs & a=f(b)]]]]]
	U Gen, 55