Introduction <------ User Comment (blue)
Here, we prove that if f is a function mapping x to y, and g is a function
mapping y to z, then the composition of g and f maps x to z.
Logical Symbols
xey means x is an element of y
f(x) is the image of x under the function f
g(x) is the image of x under the function g
ALL(x): means "for all x, we have..."
=> means "implies"
<=> means "if and only if"
~ means "not"
Suppose f is a function mapping the set x to the set y.
1 ALL(a):[a e x => f(a) e y]
Suppose further that g is a function mapping the set y to the set z.
2 ALL(a):[a e y => g(a) e z]
Prove: p e x => g(f(p)) e z
3 p e x
Applying the definition of f...
4 p e x => f(p) e y
U Spec, 1
5 f(p) e y
Detach, 4, 3
Applying the defintion of g...
6 f(p) e y => g(f(p)) e z
U Spec, 2
7 g(f(p)) e z
Detach, 6, 5
As Required:
8 p e x => g(f(p)) e z <-------- Universal generalization possible,
4 Conclusion, 3 for green variables, not for red variables.
9 ALL(a):[a e x => g(f(a)) e z] <-------- Universal generalization
U Gen, 8