

Suppose we have injective f: x --> y.

Then there exists bijective g: x --> f[x] (the image of x under f).


(This proof was written with aid of the author's DC Proof 2.0 software available at http://www.dcproof.com )






Suppose an injective (one-to-one) function f maps set x to set y.

Construct the subset imgf of y, the image set of x under f (i.e. the range of f).

Construct the function g, a simple restriction of f to its image set imgf.

Prove g is bijective.






Define: Injection


1     ALL(f):ALL(a):ALL(b):[Injection(f,a,b) <=> ALL(c):ALL(d):[c e a & d e a => [f(c)=f(d) => c=d]]]




Define: Surjection


2     ALL(f):ALL(a):ALL(b):[Surjection(f,a,b) <=> ALL(c):[c e b => EXIST(d):[d e a & f(d)=c]]]




Define: Bijection


3     ALL(f):ALL(a):ALL(b):[Bijection(f,a,b) <=> Injection(f,a,b) & Surjection(f,a,b)]







     Suppose an injective (one-to-one) function f maps set x to set y


      4     Set(x)

          & Set(y)

          & ALL(c):[c e x => f(c) e y]

          & Injection(f,x,y)



      5     Set(x)

            Split, 4


      6     Set(y)

            Split, 4


      7     ALL(c):[c e x => f(c) e y]

            Split, 4


      8     Injection(f,x,y)

            Split, 4


     Apply definition of Injection


      9     ALL(a):ALL(b):[Injection(f,a,b) <=> ALL(c):ALL(d):[c e a & d e a => [f(c)=f(d) => c=d]]]

            U Spec, 1


      10    ALL(b):[Injection(f,x,b) <=> ALL(c):ALL(d):[c e x & d e x => [f(c)=f(d) => c=d]]]

            U Spec, 9


      11    Injection(f,x,y) <=> ALL(c):ALL(d):[c e x & d e x => [f(c)=f(d) => c=d]]

            U Spec, 10


      12    [Injection(f,x,y) => ALL(c):ALL(d):[c e x & d e x => [f(c)=f(d) => c=d]]]

          & [ALL(c):ALL(d):[c e x & d e x => [f(c)=f(d) => c=d]] => Injection(f,x,y)]

            Iff-And, 11


      13    Injection(f,x,y) => ALL(c):ALL(d):[c e x & d e x => [f(c)=f(d) => c=d]]

            Split, 12


      14    ALL(c):ALL(d):[c e x & d e x => [f(c)=f(d) => c=d]] => Injection(f,x,y)

            Split, 12


      15    ALL(c):ALL(d):[c e x & d e x => [f(c)=f(d) => c=d]]

            Detach, 13, 8


     Construct the subset imgf of y, the image set of x under f (the range of f).


     Apply the Subset Axiom.


      16    EXIST(sub):[Set(sub) & ALL(d):[d e sub <=> d e y & EXIST(e):[e e x & f(e)=d]]]

            Subset, 6


      17    Set(imgf) & ALL(d):[d e imgf <=> d e y & EXIST(e):[e e x & f(e)=d]]

            E Spec, 16



     Define: imgf  (the image set of x under f, i.e. the range of f)



      18    Set(imgf)

            Split, 17


      19    ALL(d):[d e imgf <=> d e y & EXIST(e):[e e x & f(e)=d]]

            Split, 17


     Construct the function g.


     Apply Cartesian Product Axiom.


      20    ALL(a1):ALL(a2):[Set(a1) & Set(a2) => EXIST(b):[Set'(b) & ALL(c1):ALL(c2):[(c1,c2) e b <=> c1 e a1 & c2 e a2]]]

            Cart Prod


      21    ALL(a2):[Set(x) & Set(a2) => EXIST(b):[Set'(b) & ALL(c1):ALL(c2):[(c1,c2) e b <=> c1 e x & c2 e a2]]]

            U Spec, 20


      22    Set(x) & Set(imgf) => EXIST(b):[Set'(b) & ALL(c1):ALL(c2):[(c1,c2) e b <=> c1 e x & c2 e imgf]]

            U Spec, 21


      23    Set(x) & Set(imgf)

            Join, 5, 18


      24    EXIST(b):[Set'(b) & ALL(c1):ALL(c2):[(c1,c2) e b <=> c1 e x & c2 e imgf]]

            Detach, 22, 23


      25    Set'(ximgf) & ALL(c1):ALL(c2):[(c1,c2) e ximgf <=> c1 e x & c2 e imgf]

            E Spec, 24



     Define: ximgf  (the Cartesian product of sets x and imgf)



      26    Set'(ximgf)

            Split, 25


      27    ALL(c1):ALL(c2):[(c1,c2) e ximgf <=> c1 e x & c2 e imgf]

            Split, 25


     Apply Subset Axiom


      28    EXIST(sub):[Set'(sub) & ALL(a):ALL(b):[(a,b) e sub <=> (a,b) e ximgf & b=f(a)]]

            Subset, 26


      29    Set'(g) & ALL(a):ALL(b):[(a,b) e g <=> (a,b) e ximgf & b=f(a)]

            E Spec, 28



     Define: g 



      30    Set'(g)

            Split, 29


      31    ALL(a):ALL(b):[(a,b) e g <=> (a,b) e ximgf & b=f(a)]

            Split, 29


     Prove: g is a function


     Apply Function Axiom


      32    ALL(f):ALL(a):ALL(b):[ALL(c):ALL(d):[(c,d) e f => c e a & d e b]

          & ALL(c):[c e a => EXIST(d):[d e b & (c,d) e f]]

          & ALL(c):ALL(d1):ALL(d2):[(c,d1) e f & (c,d2) e f => d1=d2]

          => ALL(c):ALL(d):[d=f(c) <=> (c,d) e f]]



      33    ALL(a):ALL(b):[ALL(c):ALL(d):[(c,d) e g => c e a & d e b]

          & ALL(c):[c e a => EXIST(d):[d e b & (c,d) e g]]

          & ALL(c):ALL(d1):ALL(d2):[(c,d1) e g & (c,d2) e g => d1=d2]

          => ALL(c):ALL(d):[d=g(c) <=> (c,d) e g]]

            U Spec, 32


      34    ALL(b):[ALL(c):ALL(d):[(c,d) e g => c e x & d e b]

          & ALL(c):[c e x => EXIST(d):[d e b & (c,d) e g]]

          & ALL(c):ALL(d1):ALL(d2):[(c,d1) e g & (c,d2) e g => d1=d2]

          => ALL(c):ALL(d):[d=g(c) <=> (c,d) e g]]

            U Spec, 33



     Sufficient: For functionality of g


      35    ALL(c):ALL(d):[(c,d) e g => c e x & d e imgf]

          & ALL(c):[c e x => EXIST(d):[d e imgf & (c,d) e g]]

          & ALL(c):ALL(d1):ALL(d2):[(c,d1) e g & (c,d2) e g => d1=d2]

          => ALL(c):ALL(d):[d=g(c) <=> (c,d) e g]

            U Spec, 34



          Prove: ALL(c):ALL(d):[(c,d) e g => c e x & d e imgf]




            36    (t,u) e g



          Apply definition of g


            37    ALL(b):[(t,b) e g <=> (t,b) e ximgf & b=f(t)]

                  U Spec, 31


            38    (t,u) e g <=> (t,u) e ximgf & u=f(t)

                  U Spec, 37


            39    [(t,u) e g => (t,u) e ximgf & u=f(t)]

              & [(t,u) e ximgf & u=f(t) => (t,u) e g]

                  Iff-And, 38


            40    (t,u) e g => (t,u) e ximgf & u=f(t)

                  Split, 39


            41    (t,u) e ximgf & u=f(t) => (t,u) e g

                  Split, 39


            42    (t,u) e ximgf & u=f(t)

                  Detach, 40, 36


            43    (t,u) e ximgf

                  Split, 42


            44    u=f(t)

                  Split, 42


          Apply definition of ximgf


            45    ALL(c2):[(t,c2) e ximgf <=> t e x & c2 e imgf]

                  U Spec, 27


            46    (t,u) e ximgf <=> t e x & u e imgf

                  U Spec, 45


            47    [(t,u) e ximgf => t e x & u e imgf]

              & [t e x & u e imgf => (t,u) e ximgf]

                  Iff-And, 46


            48    (t,u) e ximgf => t e x & u e imgf

                  Split, 47


            49    t e x & u e imgf => (t,u) e ximgf

                  Split, 47


            50    t e x & u e imgf

                  Detach, 48, 43


     Functionality, Part 1


      51    ALL(c):ALL(d):[(c,d) e g => c e x & d e imgf]

            4 Conclusion, 36



          Prove: ALL(c):[c e x => EXIST(d):[d e imgf & (c,d) e g]]




            52    t e x



          Apply definition of g


            53    ALL(b):[(t,b) e g <=> (t,b) e ximgf & b=f(t)]

                  U Spec, 31


            54    (t,f(t)) e g <=> (t,f(t)) e ximgf & f(t)=f(t)

                  U Spec, 53


            55    [(t,f(t)) e g => (t,f(t)) e ximgf & f(t)=f(t)]

              & [(t,f(t)) e ximgf & f(t)=f(t) => (t,f(t)) e g]

                  Iff-And, 54


            56    (t,f(t)) e g => (t,f(t)) e ximgf & f(t)=f(t)

                  Split, 55



          Sufficient: (t,f(t)) e g


            57    (t,f(t)) e ximgf & f(t)=f(t) => (t,f(t)) e g

                  Split, 55


          Apply definition of ximgf


            58    ALL(c2):[(t,c2) e ximgf <=> t e x & c2 e imgf]

                  U Spec, 27


            59    (t,f(t)) e ximgf <=> t e x & f(t) e imgf

                  U Spec, 58


            60    [(t,f(t)) e ximgf => t e x & f(t) e imgf]

              & [t e x & f(t) e imgf => (t,f(t)) e ximgf]

                  Iff-And, 59


            61    (t,f(t)) e ximgf => t e x & f(t) e imgf

                  Split, 60



          Sufficient: (t,f(t)) e ximgf


            62    t e x & f(t) e imgf => (t,f(t)) e ximgf

                  Split, 60


          Apply definition of imgf


            63    f(t) e imgf <=> f(t) e y & EXIST(e):[e e x & f(e)=f(t)]

                  U Spec, 19


            64    [f(t) e imgf => f(t) e y & EXIST(e):[e e x & f(e)=f(t)]]

              & [f(t) e y & EXIST(e):[e e x & f(e)=f(t)] => f(t) e imgf]

                  Iff-And, 63


            65    f(t) e imgf => f(t) e y & EXIST(e):[e e x & f(e)=f(t)]

                  Split, 64



          Sufficient: f(t) e imgf


            66    f(t) e y & EXIST(e):[e e x & f(e)=f(t)] => f(t) e imgf

                  Split, 64


          Apply definition of f


            67    t e x => f(t) e y

                  U Spec, 7


            68    f(t) e y

                  Detach, 67, 52


            69    f(t)=f(t)



            70    t e x & f(t)=f(t)

                  Join, 52, 69


            71    EXIST(e):[e e x & f(e)=f(t)]

                  E Gen, 70


            72    f(t) e y & EXIST(e):[e e x & f(e)=f(t)]

                  Join, 68, 71


            73    f(t) e imgf

                  Detach, 66, 72


            74    t e x & f(t) e imgf

                  Join, 52, 73


            75    (t,f(t)) e ximgf

                  Detach, 62, 74


            76    (t,f(t)) e ximgf & f(t)=f(t)

                  Join, 75, 69


            77    (t,f(t)) e g

                  Detach, 57, 76


            78    f(t) e imgf & (t,f(t)) e g

                  Join, 73, 77


            79    EXIST(d):[d e imgf & (t,d) e g]

                  E Gen, 78


     Functionality, Part 2


      80    ALL(c):[c e x => EXIST(d):[d e imgf & (c,d) e g]]

            4 Conclusion, 52



          Prove: ALL(c):ALL(d1):ALL(d2):[(c,d1) e g & (c,d2) e g => d1=d2]




            81    (t,u1) e g & (t,u2) e g



            82    (t,u1) e g

                  Split, 81


            83    (t,u2) e g

                  Split, 81


          Apply definition of g


            84    ALL(b):[(t,b) e g <=> (t,b) e ximgf & b=f(t)]

                  U Spec, 31


            85    (t,u1) e g <=> (t,u1) e ximgf & u1=f(t)

                  U Spec, 84


            86    [(t,u1) e g => (t,u1) e ximgf & u1=f(t)]

              & [(t,u1) e ximgf & u1=f(t) => (t,u1) e g]

                  Iff-And, 85


            87    (t,u1) e g => (t,u1) e ximgf & u1=f(t)

                  Split, 86


            88    (t,u1) e ximgf & u1=f(t) => (t,u1) e g

                  Split, 86


            89    (t,u1) e ximgf & u1=f(t)

                  Detach, 87, 82


            90    (t,u1) e ximgf

                  Split, 89


            91    u1=f(t)

                  Split, 89


          Apply definition of g


            92    (t,u2) e g <=> (t,u2) e ximgf & u2=f(t)

                  U Spec, 84


            93    [(t,u2) e g => (t,u2) e ximgf & u2=f(t)]

              & [(t,u2) e ximgf & u2=f(t) => (t,u2) e g]

                  Iff-And, 92


            94    (t,u2) e g => (t,u2) e ximgf & u2=f(t)

                  Split, 93


            95    (t,u2) e ximgf & u2=f(t) => (t,u2) e g

                  Split, 93


            96    (t,u2) e ximgf & u2=f(t)

                  Detach, 94, 83


            97    (t,u2) e ximgf

                  Split, 96


            98    u2=f(t)

                  Split, 96


            99    u1=u2

                  Substitute, 98, 91


     Functionality, Part 3


      100  ALL(c):ALL(d1):ALL(d2):[(c,d1) e g & (c,d2) e g => d1=d2]

            4 Conclusion, 81


     Joining results...


      101  ALL(c):ALL(d):[(c,d) e g => c e x & d e imgf]

          & ALL(c):[c e x => EXIST(d):[d e imgf & (c,d) e g]]

            Join, 51, 80


      102  ALL(c):ALL(d):[(c,d) e g => c e x & d e imgf]

          & ALL(c):[c e x => EXIST(d):[d e imgf & (c,d) e g]]

          & ALL(c):ALL(d1):ALL(d2):[(c,d1) e g & (c,d2) e g => d1=d2]

            Join, 101, 100


     As Required: g is a function


      103  ALL(c):ALL(d):[d=g(c) <=> (c,d) e g]

            Detach, 35, 102



          Prove: ALL(d):[d e x => g(d) e imgf]




            104  t e x



          Apply functionality of g


            105  t e x => EXIST(d):[d e imgf & (t,d) e g]

                  U Spec, 80


            106  EXIST(d):[d e imgf & (t,d) e g]

                  Detach, 105, 104


            107  u e imgf & (t,u) e g

                  E Spec, 106


            108  u e imgf

                  Split, 107


            109  (t,u) e g

                  Split, 107


          Apply functionality of g


            110  ALL(d):[d=g(t) <=> (t,d) e g]

                  U Spec, 103


            111  u=g(t) <=> (t,u) e g

                  U Spec, 110


            112  [u=g(t) => (t,u) e g] & [(t,u) e g => u=g(t)]

                  Iff-And, 111


            113  u=g(t) => (t,u) e g

                  Split, 112


            114  (t,u) e g => u=g(t)

                  Split, 112


            115  u=g(t)

                  Detach, 114, 109


            116  g(t) e imgf

                  Substitute, 115, 108


     As Required:


      117  ALL(d):[d e x => g(d) e imgf]

            4 Conclusion, 104



          Prove: ALL(d):[d e x => g(d)=f(d)]




            118  t e x



          Apply definition of g


            119  ALL(b):[(t,b) e g <=> (t,b) e ximgf & b=f(t)]

                  U Spec, 31


            120  (t,f(t)) e g <=> (t,f(t)) e ximgf & f(t)=f(t)

                  U Spec, 119


            121  [(t,f(t)) e g => (t,f(t)) e ximgf & f(t)=f(t)]

              & [(t,f(t)) e ximgf & f(t)=f(t) => (t,f(t)) e g]

                  Iff-And, 120


            122  (t,f(t)) e g => (t,f(t)) e ximgf & f(t)=f(t)

                  Split, 121


          Sufficient: (t,f(t)) e g


            123  (t,f(t)) e ximgf & f(t)=f(t) => (t,f(t)) e g

                  Split, 121


          Apply definition of ximgf


            124  ALL(c2):[(t,c2) e ximgf <=> t e x & c2 e imgf]

                  U Spec, 27


            125  (t,f(t)) e ximgf <=> t e x & f(t) e imgf

                  U Spec, 124


            126  [(t,f(t)) e ximgf => t e x & f(t) e imgf]

              & [t e x & f(t) e imgf => (t,f(t)) e ximgf]

                  Iff-And, 125


            127  (t,f(t)) e ximgf => t e x & f(t) e imgf

                  Split, 126


          Sufficient: (t,f(t)) e ximgf


            128  t e x & f(t) e imgf => (t,f(t)) e ximgf

                  Split, 126


          Apply definition of imgf


            129  f(t) e imgf <=> f(t) e y & EXIST(e):[e e x & f(e)=f(t)]

                  U Spec, 19


            130  [f(t) e imgf => f(t) e y & EXIST(e):[e e x & f(e)=f(t)]]

              & [f(t) e y & EXIST(e):[e e x & f(e)=f(t)] => f(t) e imgf]

                  Iff-And, 129


            131  f(t) e imgf => f(t) e y & EXIST(e):[e e x & f(e)=f(t)]

                  Split, 130


          Sufficient: f(t) e imgf


            132  f(t) e y & EXIST(e):[e e x & f(e)=f(t)] => f(t) e imgf

                  Split, 130


          Apply definition of f


            133  t e x => f(t) e y

                  U Spec, 7


            134  f(t) e y

                  Detach, 133, 118


            135  f(t)=f(t)



            136  t e x & f(t)=f(t)

                  Join, 118, 135


            137  EXIST(e):[e e x & f(e)=f(t)]

                  E Gen, 136


            138  f(t) e y & EXIST(e):[e e x & f(e)=f(t)]

                  Join, 134, 137


            139  f(t) e imgf

                  Detach, 132, 138


            140  t e x & f(t) e imgf

                  Join, 118, 139


            141  (t,f(t)) e ximgf

                  Detach, 128, 140


            142  (t,f(t)) e ximgf & f(t)=f(t)

                  Join, 141, 135


            143  (t,f(t)) e g

                  Detach, 123, 142


          Apply functionality of g


            144  ALL(d):[d=g(t) <=> (t,d) e g]

                  U Spec, 103


            145  f(t)=g(t) <=> (t,f(t)) e g

                  U Spec, 144


            146  [f(t)=g(t) => (t,f(t)) e g]

              & [(t,f(t)) e g => f(t)=g(t)]

                  Iff-And, 145


            147  f(t)=g(t) => (t,f(t)) e g

                  Split, 146


            148  (t,f(t)) e g => f(t)=g(t)

                  Split, 146


            149  f(t)=g(t)

                  Detach, 148, 143


            150  g(t)=f(t)

                  Sym, 149


     As Required:


      151  ALL(d):[d e x => g(d)=f(d)]

            4 Conclusion, 118



     Prove: Bijection(g,x,imgf)


     Apply definition of Bijection


      152  ALL(a):ALL(b):[Bijection(g,a,b) <=> Injection(g,a,b) & Surjection(g,a,b)]

            U Spec, 3


      153  ALL(b):[Bijection(g,x,b) <=> Injection(g,x,b) & Surjection(g,x,b)]

            U Spec, 152


      154  Bijection(g,x,imgf) <=> Injection(g,x,imgf) & Surjection(g,x,imgf)

            U Spec, 153


      155  [Bijection(g,x,imgf) => Injection(g,x,imgf) & Surjection(g,x,imgf)]

          & [Injection(g,x,imgf) & Surjection(g,x,imgf) => Bijection(g,x,imgf)]

            Iff-And, 154


      156  Bijection(g,x,imgf) => Injection(g,x,imgf) & Surjection(g,x,imgf)

            Split, 155



     Sufficient: Bijection(g,x,imgf)


      157  Injection(g,x,imgf) & Surjection(g,x,imgf) => Bijection(g,x,imgf)

            Split, 155



     Prove: Injection(g,x,imgf)


     Apply definition of Injection


      158  ALL(a):ALL(b):[Injection(g,a,b) <=> ALL(c):ALL(d):[c e a & d e a => [g(c)=g(d) => c=d]]]

            U Spec, 1


      159  ALL(b):[Injection(g,x,b) <=> ALL(c):ALL(d):[c e x & d e x => [g(c)=g(d) => c=d]]]

            U Spec, 158


      160  Injection(g,x,imgf) <=> ALL(c):ALL(d):[c e x & d e x => [g(c)=g(d) => c=d]]

            U Spec, 159


      161  [Injection(g,x,imgf) => ALL(c):ALL(d):[c e x & d e x => [g(c)=g(d) => c=d]]]

          & [ALL(c):ALL(d):[c e x & d e x => [g(c)=g(d) => c=d]] => Injection(g,x,imgf)]

            Iff-And, 160


      162  Injection(g,x,imgf) => ALL(c):ALL(d):[c e x & d e x => [g(c)=g(d) => c=d]]

            Split, 161



     Sufficient: Injection(g,x,imgf)


      163  ALL(c):ALL(d):[c e x & d e x => [g(c)=g(d) => c=d]] => Injection(g,x,imgf)

            Split, 161



          Prove: ALL(c):ALL(d):[c e x & d e x => [g(c)=g(d) => c=d]]




            164  t1 e x & t2 e x



            165  t1 e x

                  Split, 164


            166  t2 e x

                  Split, 164



              Prove: g(t1)=g(t2) => t1=t2




                  167  g(t1)=g(t2)



              Apply definition of g


                  168  t1 e x => g(t1)=f(t1)

                        U Spec, 151


                  169  g(t1)=f(t1)

                        Detach, 168, 165


              Apply definition of g


                  170  t2 e x => g(t2)=f(t2)

                        U Spec, 151


                  171  g(t2)=f(t2)

                        Detach, 170, 166


                  172  f(t1)=g(t2)

                        Substitute, 169, 167


                  173  f(t1)=f(t2)

                        Substitute, 171, 172


              Apply definition of f


                  174  ALL(d):[t1 e x & d e x => [f(t1)=f(d) => t1=d]]

                        U Spec, 15


                  175  t1 e x & t2 e x => [f(t1)=f(t2) => t1=t2]

                        U Spec, 174


                  176  f(t1)=f(t2) => t1=t2

                        Detach, 175, 164


                  177  t1=t2

                        Detach, 176, 173


          As Required:


            178  g(t1)=g(t2) => t1=t2

                  4 Conclusion, 167


     As Required:


      179  ALL(c):ALL(d):[c e x & d e x => [g(c)=g(d) => c=d]]

            4 Conclusion, 164


     As Required:


      180  Injection(g,x,imgf)

            Detach, 163, 179



     Prove: Surjection(g,x,imgf)


     Apply definition of Surjection


      181  ALL(a):ALL(b):[Surjection(g,a,b) <=> ALL(c):[c e b => EXIST(d):[d e a & g(d)=c]]]

            U Spec, 2


      182  ALL(b):[Surjection(g,x,b) <=> ALL(c):[c e b => EXIST(d):[d e x & g(d)=c]]]

            U Spec, 181


      183  Surjection(g,x,imgf) <=> ALL(c):[c e imgf => EXIST(d):[d e x & g(d)=c]]

            U Spec, 182


      184  [Surjection(g,x,imgf) => ALL(c):[c e imgf => EXIST(d):[d e x & g(d)=c]]]

          & [ALL(c):[c e imgf => EXIST(d):[d e x & g(d)=c]] => Surjection(g,x,imgf)]

            Iff-And, 183


      185  Surjection(g,x,imgf) => ALL(c):[c e imgf => EXIST(d):[d e x & g(d)=c]]

            Split, 184



     Sufficient: Surjection(g,x,imgf)


      186  ALL(c):[c e imgf => EXIST(d):[d e x & g(d)=c]] => Surjection(g,x,imgf)

            Split, 184



          Prove: ALL(c):[c e imgf => EXIST(d):[d e x & g(d)=c]]




            187  t e imgf



          Apply definition of imgf


            188  t e imgf <=> t e y & EXIST(e):[e e x & f(e)=t]

                  U Spec, 19


            189  [t e imgf => t e y & EXIST(e):[e e x & f(e)=t]]

              & [t e y & EXIST(e):[e e x & f(e)=t] => t e imgf]

                  Iff-And, 188


            190  t e imgf => t e y & EXIST(e):[e e x & f(e)=t]

                  Split, 189


            191  t e y & EXIST(e):[e e x & f(e)=t] => t e imgf

                  Split, 189


            192  t e y & EXIST(e):[e e x & f(e)=t]

                  Detach, 190, 187


            193  t e y

                  Split, 192


            194  EXIST(e):[e e x & f(e)=t]

                  Split, 192


            195  u e x & f(u)=t

                  E Spec, 194


            196  u e x

                  Split, 195


            197  f(u)=t

                  Split, 195


            198  u e x => g(u)=f(u)

                  U Spec, 151


            199  g(u)=f(u)

                  Detach, 198, 196


            200  g(u)=t

                  Substitute, 199, 197


            201  u e x & g(u)=t

                  Join, 196, 200


            202  EXIST(d):[d e x & g(d)=t]

                  E Gen, 201


     As Required:


      203  ALL(c):[c e imgf => EXIST(d):[d e x & g(d)=c]]

            4 Conclusion, 187


     As Required:


      204  Surjection(g,x,imgf)

            Detach, 186, 203


     Joining results...


      205  Injection(g,x,imgf) & Surjection(g,x,imgf)

            Join, 180, 204


     As Required:


      206  Bijection(g,x,imgf)

            Detach, 157, 205


     Joining results...


      207  Set(imgf)

          & ALL(d):[d e imgf <=> d e y & EXIST(e):[e e x & f(e)=d]]

            Join, 18, 19


      208  Set(imgf)

          & ALL(d):[d e imgf <=> d e y & EXIST(e):[e e x & f(e)=d]]

          & ALL(d):[d e x => g(d) e imgf]

            Join, 207, 117


      209  Set(imgf)

          & ALL(d):[d e imgf <=> d e y & EXIST(e):[e e x & f(e)=d]]

          & ALL(d):[d e x => g(d) e imgf]

          & ALL(d):[d e x => g(d)=f(d)]

            Join, 208, 151


      210  Set(imgf)

          & ALL(d):[d e imgf <=> d e y & EXIST(e):[e e x & f(e)=d]]

          & ALL(d):[d e x => g(d) e imgf]

          & ALL(d):[d e x => g(d)=f(d)]

          & Bijection(g,x,imgf)

            Join, 209, 206


As Required:


211  ALL(a):ALL(b):ALL(f):[Set(a)

     & Set(b)

     & ALL(c):[c e a => f(c) e b]

     & Injection(f,a,b)

     => EXIST(c):EXIST(g):[Set(c)

     & ALL(d):[d e c <=> d e b & EXIST(e):[e e a & f(e)=d]]

     & ALL(d):[d e a => g(d) e c]

     & ALL(d):[d e a => g(d)=f(d)]

     & Bijection(g,a,c)]]

      4 Conclusion, 4