

EXIST(f):[Set'(f) & ALL(a):ALL(b):~(a,b) e f & ALL(a):[a e null => f(a) e null]]


where null is a set such that ALL(a):~a e null  



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Axiom of functionality for 1 variable


1     ALL(f):ALL(a):ALL(b):[Set'(f) & Set(a) & Set(b)

    => [ALL(c):ALL(d):[(c,d) e f => c e a & d e b]

    & ALL(c):[c e a => EXIST(d):[d e b & (c,d) e f]]

    & ALL(c):ALL(d1):ALL(d2):[(c,d1) e f & (c,d2) e f => d1=d2]

    => ALL(c):ALL(d):[c e a & d e b => [d=f(c) <=> (c,d) e f]]]]




Define: The null set


2     Set(null)



3     ALL(a):~a e null







Construct the Cartesian product null x null


Apply the Cartesian Product Axiom


4     ALL(a1):ALL(a2):[Set(a1) & Set(a2) => EXIST(b):[Set'(b) & ALL(c1):ALL(c2):[(c1,c2) e b <=> c1 e a1 & c2 e a2]]]

      Cart Prod


5     ALL(a2):[Set(null) & Set(a2) => EXIST(b):[Set'(b) & ALL(c1):ALL(c2):[(c1,c2) e b <=> c1 e null & c2 e a2]]]

      U Spec, 4


6     Set(null) & Set(null) => EXIST(b):[Set'(b) & ALL(c1):ALL(c2):[(c1,c2) e b <=> c1 e null & c2 e null]]

      U Spec, 5


7     Set(null) & Set(null)

      Join, 2, 2


8     EXIST(b):[Set'(b) & ALL(c1):ALL(c2):[(c1,c2) e b <=> c1 e null & c2 e null]]

      Detach, 6, 7


9     Set'(null2) & ALL(c1):ALL(c2):[(c1,c2) e null2 <=> c1 e null & c2 e null]

      E Spec, 8



Define: null2  (null x null)


10   Set'(null2)

      Split, 9


11   ALL(c1):ALL(c2):[(c1,c2) e null2 <=> c1 e null & c2 e null]

      Split, 9


As Required:


23   ~EXIST(a):EXIST(b):(a,b) e null2

      5 Conclusion, 12



Prove: ALL(a):ALL(b):~(a,b) e null2


Apply Quantifier Switch and Remove Double Negation Axioms


24   ~~ALL(a):~EXIST(b):(a,b) e null2

      Quant, 23


25   ALL(a):~EXIST(b):(a,b) e null2

      Rem DNeg, 24


26   ALL(a):~~ALL(b):~(a,b) e null2

      Quant, 25



As Required:


null2 is a set of ordered pairs that is empty


27   ALL(a):ALL(b):~(a,b) e null2

      Rem DNeg, 26



Apply functionality axiom


28   ALL(a):ALL(b):[Set'(null2) & Set(a) & Set(b)

    => [ALL(c):ALL(d):[(c,d) e null2 => c e a & d e b]

    & ALL(c):[c e a => EXIST(d):[d e b & (c,d) e null2]]

    & ALL(c):ALL(d1):ALL(d2):[(c,d1) e null2 & (c,d2) e null2 => d1=d2]

    => ALL(c):ALL(d):[c e a & d e b => [d=null2(c) <=> (c,d) e null2]]]]

      U Spec, 1


29   ALL(b):[Set'(null2) & Set(null) & Set(b)

    => [ALL(c):ALL(d):[(c,d) e null2 => c e null & d e b]

    & ALL(c):[c e null => EXIST(d):[d e b & (c,d) e null2]]

    & ALL(c):ALL(d1):ALL(d2):[(c,d1) e null2 & (c,d2) e null2 => d1=d2]

    => ALL(c):ALL(d):[c e null & d e b => [d=null2(c) <=> (c,d) e null2]]]]

      U Spec, 28


30   Set'(null2) & Set(null) & Set(null)

    => [ALL(c):ALL(d):[(c,d) e null2 => c e null & d e null]

    & ALL(c):[c e null => EXIST(d):[d e null & (c,d) e null2]]

    & ALL(c):ALL(d1):ALL(d2):[(c,d1) e null2 & (c,d2) e null2 => d1=d2]

    => ALL(c):ALL(d):[c e null & d e null => [d=null2(c) <=> (c,d) e null2]]]

      U Spec, 29


31   Set'(null2) & Set(null)

      Join, 10, 2


32   Set'(null2) & Set(null) & Set(null)

      Join, 31, 2



Sufficient: For functionality of null2


33   ALL(c):ALL(d):[(c,d) e null2 => c e null & d e null]

    & ALL(c):[c e null => EXIST(d):[d e null & (c,d) e null2]]

    & ALL(c):ALL(d1):ALL(d2):[(c,d1) e null2 & (c,d2) e null2 => d1=d2]

    => ALL(c):ALL(d):[c e null & d e null => [d=null2(c) <=> (c,d) e null2]]

      Detach, 30, 32


Part 1


As Required:


39   ALL(c):ALL(d):[(c,d) e null2 => c e null & d e null]

      5 Conclusion, 34


Part 2


As Required:


44   ALL(c):[c e null => EXIST(d):[d e null & (c,d) e null2]]

      5 Conclusion, 40


Part 3


As Required:


52   ALL(c):ALL(d1):ALL(d2):[(c,d1) e null2 & (c,d2) e null2 => d1=d2]

      5 Conclusion, 45


53   ALL(c):ALL(d):[(c,d) e null2 => c e null & d e null]

    & ALL(c):[c e null => EXIST(d):[d e null & (c,d) e null2]]

      Join, 39, 44


54   ALL(c):ALL(d):[(c,d) e null2 => c e null & d e null]

    & ALL(c):[c e null => EXIST(d):[d e null & (c,d) e null2]]

    & ALL(c):ALL(d1):ALL(d2):[(c,d1) e null2 & (c,d2) e null2 => d1=d2]

      Join, 53, 52



null2 is a function mapping the null set to itself


55   ALL(c):ALL(d):[c e null & d e null => [d=null2(c) <=> (c,d) e null2]]

      Detach, 33, 54



As Required:


71   ALL(a):[a e null => null2(a) e null]

      5 Conclusion, 56



Joining previous results...


72   Set'(null2) & ALL(a):ALL(b):~(a,b) e null2

      Join, 10, 27


73   Set'(null2) & ALL(a):ALL(b):~(a,b) e null2

    & ALL(a):[a e null => null2(a) e null]

      Join, 72, 71





As Required:


74   EXIST(f):[Set'(f) & ALL(a):ALL(b):~(a,b) e f

    & ALL(a):[a e null => f(a) e null]]

      E Gen, 73