


=> EXIST(null):EXIST(f):[Set(null) & Set'(f)

& [ALL(a):~a e null & ALL(a):ALL(b):~(a,b) e f

& ALL(a):[a e null => f(a) e s]]]]


The proof could be shortened considerably since anything whatsoever would follow from the presumed existence of any element of an empty set. Here, however, we actually construct the function f using the axioms of set theory.



This machine-verified formal proof was written with the aid of the author's DC Proof 2.0 software available at






Axiom of functionality for 1 variable


1     ALL(f):ALL(a):ALL(b):[Set'(f) & Set(a) & Set(b)

    => [ALL(c):ALL(d):[(c,d) e f => c e a & d e b]

    & ALL(c):[c e a => EXIST(d):[d e b & (c,d) e f]]

    & ALL(c):ALL(d1):ALL(d2):[(c,d1) e f & (c,d2) e f => d1=d2]

    => ALL(c):ALL(d):[c e a & d e b => [d=f(c) <=> (c,d) e f]]]]









      2     Set(s)



    Construct empty subset of s


    Apply Subset Axiom


      3     EXIST(sub):[Set(sub) & ALL(a):[a e sub <=> a e s & ~a e s]]

            Subset, 2


      4     Set(null) & ALL(a):[a e null <=> a e s & ~a e s]

            E Spec, 3



    Define: null  (empty subset of s)


      5     Set(null)

            Split, 4


      6     ALL(a):[a e null <=> a e s & ~a e s]

            Split, 4



         Prove: ~EXIST(a):a e null


         Suppose to the contrary...


            7     x e null



         Apply definition of null


            8     x e null <=> x e s & ~x e s

                  U Spec, 6


            9     [x e null => x e s & ~x e s]

             & [x e s & ~x e s => x e null]

                  Iff-And, 8


            10   x e null => x e s & ~x e s

                  Split, 9


            11   x e s & ~x e s => x e null

                  Split, 9


            12   x e s & ~x e s

                  Detach, 10, 7


    As Required:


      13   ~EXIST(a):a e null

            4 Conclusion, 7


    Change quantifier


      14   ~~ALL(a):~a e null

            Quant, 13


    As Required:


      15   ALL(a):~a e null

            Rem DNeg, 14


    Construct Cartesian product of null and s


    Apply Cartesian Product Axiom


      16   ALL(a1):ALL(a2):[Set(a1) & Set(a2) => EXIST(b):[Set'(b) & ALL(c1):ALL(c2):[(c1,c2) e b <=> c1 e a1 & c2 e a2]]]

            Cart Prod


      17   ALL(a2):[Set(null) & Set(a2) => EXIST(b):[Set'(b) & ALL(c1):ALL(c2):[(c1,c2) e b <=> c1 e null & c2 e a2]]]

            U Spec, 16


      18   Set(null) & Set(s) => EXIST(b):[Set'(b) & ALL(c1):ALL(c2):[(c1,c2) e b <=> c1 e null & c2 e s]]

            U Spec, 17


      19   Set(null) & Set(s)

            Join, 5, 2


      20   EXIST(b):[Set'(b) & ALL(c1):ALL(c2):[(c1,c2) e b <=> c1 e null & c2 e s]]

            Detach, 18, 19


      21   Set'(nullxs) & ALL(c1):ALL(c2):[(c1,c2) e nullxs <=> c1 e null & c2 e s]

            E Spec, 20



    Define: nullxs  (Cartesian product of null and s)


      22   Set'(nullxs)

            Split, 21


      23   ALL(c1):ALL(c2):[(c1,c2) e nullxs <=> c1 e null & c2 e s]

            Split, 21



         Prove: ~EXIST(a):EXIST(b):(a,b) e nullxs


         Suppose to the contrary...


            24   (x,y) e nullxs



         Apply definition of nullxs


            25   ALL(c2):[(x,c2) e nullxs <=> x e null & c2 e s]

                  U Spec, 23


            26   (x,y) e nullxs <=> x e null & y e s

                  U Spec, 25


            27   [(x,y) e nullxs => x e null & y e s]

             & [x e null & y e s => (x,y) e nullxs]

                  Iff-And, 26


            28   (x,y) e nullxs => x e null & y e s

                  Split, 27


            29   x e null & y e s => (x,y) e nullxs

                  Split, 27


            30   x e null & y e s

                  Detach, 28, 24


            31   x e null

                  Split, 30


            32   y e s

                  Split, 30


         Apply definition of null


            33   ~x e null

                  U Spec, 15


         Obtain the contradiction...


            34   x e null & ~x e null

                  Join, 31, 33


    As Required:


      35   ~EXIST(a):EXIST(b):(a,b) e nullxs

            4 Conclusion, 24



    Change quantifiers


      36   ~~ALL(a):~EXIST(b):(a,b) e nullxs

            Quant, 35


      37   ALL(a):~EXIST(b):(a,b) e nullxs

            Rem DNeg, 36


      38   ALL(a):~~ALL(b):~(a,b) e nullxs

            Quant, 37



    As Required:


      39   ALL(a):ALL(b):~(a,b) e nullxs

            Rem DNeg, 38


    Apply Axiom of Functionality


      40   ALL(a):ALL(b):[Set'(nullxs) & Set(a) & Set(b)

         => [ALL(c):ALL(d):[(c,d) e nullxs => c e a & d e b]

         & ALL(c):[c e a => EXIST(d):[d e b & (c,d) e nullxs]]

         & ALL(c):ALL(d1):ALL(d2):[(c,d1) e nullxs & (c,d2) e nullxs => d1=d2]

         => ALL(c):ALL(d):[c e a & d e b => [d=nullxs(c) <=> (c,d) e nullxs]]]]

            U Spec, 1


      41   ALL(b):[Set'(nullxs) & Set(null) & Set(b)

         => [ALL(c):ALL(d):[(c,d) e nullxs => c e null & d e b]

         & ALL(c):[c e null => EXIST(d):[d e b & (c,d) e nullxs]]

         & ALL(c):ALL(d1):ALL(d2):[(c,d1) e nullxs & (c,d2) e nullxs => d1=d2]

         => ALL(c):ALL(d):[c e null & d e b => [d=nullxs(c) <=> (c,d) e nullxs]]]]

            U Spec, 40


      42   Set'(nullxs) & Set(null) & Set(s)

         => [ALL(c):ALL(d):[(c,d) e nullxs => c e null & d e s]

         & ALL(c):[c e null => EXIST(d):[d e s & (c,d) e nullxs]]

         & ALL(c):ALL(d1):ALL(d2):[(c,d1) e nullxs & (c,d2) e nullxs => d1=d2]

         => ALL(c):ALL(d):[c e null & d e s => [d=nullxs(c) <=> (c,d) e nullxs]]]

            U Spec, 41


      43   Set'(nullxs) & Set(null)

            Join, 22, 5


      44   Set'(nullxs) & Set(null) & Set(s)

            Join, 43, 2



    Sufficient: For functionality of nullxs


      45   ALL(c):ALL(d):[(c,d) e nullxs => c e null & d e s]

         & ALL(c):[c e null => EXIST(d):[d e s & (c,d) e nullxs]]

         & ALL(c):ALL(d1):ALL(d2):[(c,d1) e nullxs & (c,d2) e nullxs => d1=d2]

         => ALL(c):ALL(d):[c e null & d e s => [d=nullxs(c) <=> (c,d) e nullxs]]

            Detach, 42, 44



         Part 1


         Prove: ALL(c):ALL(d):[(c,d) e nullxs => c e null & d e s]




            46   (x,y) e nullxs



         Apply definition of nullxs


            47   ALL(c2):[(x,c2) e nullxs <=> x e null & c2 e s]

                  U Spec, 23


            48   (x,y) e nullxs <=> x e null & y e s

                  U Spec, 47


            49   [(x,y) e nullxs => x e null & y e s]

             & [x e null & y e s => (x,y) e nullxs]

                  Iff-And, 48


            50   (x,y) e nullxs => x e null & y e s

                  Split, 49


            51   x e null & y e s => (x,y) e nullxs

                  Split, 49


            52   x e null & y e s

                  Detach, 50, 46



    Part 1


    As Required:


      53   ALL(c):ALL(d):[(c,d) e nullxs => c e null & d e s]

            4 Conclusion, 46



         Part 2


         Prove: ALL(c):[c e null => EXIST(d):[d e s & (c,d) e nullxs]]




            54   x e null



         Apply definition of null


            55   ~x e null

                  U Spec, 15


         Apply principle of explosion


            56   ~x e null => EXIST(d):[d e s & (x,d) e nullxs]

                  Arb Cons, 54


            57   EXIST(d):[d e s & (x,d) e nullxs]

                  Detach, 56, 55



    Part 2


    As Required:


      58   ALL(c):[c e null => EXIST(d):[d e s & (c,d) e nullxs]]

            4 Conclusion, 54



         Prove: ALL(c):ALL(d1):ALL(d2):[(c,d1) e nullxs & (c,d2) e nullxs => d1=d2]




            59   (x,y1) e nullxs & (x,y2) e nullxs



            60   (x,y1) e nullxs

                  Split, 59


            61   (x,y2) e nullxs

                  Split, 59


         Apply definition of nullxs


            62   ALL(c2):[(x,c2) e nullxs <=> x e null & c2 e s]

                  U Spec, 23


            63   (x,y1) e nullxs <=> x e null & y1 e s

                  U Spec, 62


            64   [(x,y1) e nullxs => x e null & y1 e s]

             & [x e null & y1 e s => (x,y1) e nullxs]

                  Iff-And, 63


            65   (x,y1) e nullxs => x e null & y1 e s

                  Split, 64


            66   x e null & y1 e s => (x,y1) e nullxs

                  Split, 64


            67   x e null & y1 e s

                  Detach, 65, 60


            68   x e null

                  Split, 67


            69   y1 e s

                  Split, 67


         Apply definition of null


            70   ~x e null

                  U Spec, 15


         Apply principle of explosion


            71   ~x e null => y1=y2

                  Arb Cons, 68


            72   y1=y2

                  Detach, 71, 70



    Part 3


    As Required:


      73   ALL(c):ALL(d1):ALL(d2):[(c,d1) e nullxs & (c,d2) e nullxs => d1=d2]

            4 Conclusion, 59



    Joining results...


      74   ALL(c):ALL(d):[(c,d) e nullxs => c e null & d e s]

         & ALL(c):[c e null => EXIST(d):[d e s & (c,d) e nullxs]]

            Join, 53, 58


      75   ALL(c):ALL(d):[(c,d) e nullxs => c e null & d e s]

         & ALL(c):[c e null => EXIST(d):[d e s & (c,d) e nullxs]]

         & ALL(c):ALL(d1):ALL(d2):[(c,d1) e nullxs & (c,d2) e nullxs => d1=d2]

            Join, 74, 73



    As Required:


    nullxs is function


      76   ALL(c):ALL(d):[c e null & d e s => [d=nullxs(c) <=> (c,d) e nullxs]]

            Detach, 45, 75



         Prove: ALL(a):[a e null => nullxs(a) e s]




            77   x e null



         Apply Part 2


            78   x e null => EXIST(d):[d e s & (x,d) e nullxs]

                  U Spec, 58


            79   EXIST(d):[d e s & (x,d) e nullxs]

                  Detach, 78, 77


            80   y e s & (x,y) e nullxs

                  E Spec, 79


            81   y e s

                  Split, 80


            82   (x,y) e nullxs

                  Split, 80


         Apply functionality of nullxs


            83   ALL(d):[x e null & d e s => [d=nullxs(x) <=> (x,d) e nullxs]]

                  U Spec, 76


            84   x e null & y e s => [y=nullxs(x) <=> (x,y) e nullxs]

                  U Spec, 83


            85   x e null & y e s

                  Join, 77, 81


            86   y=nullxs(x) <=> (x,y) e nullxs

                  Detach, 84, 85


            87   [y=nullxs(x) => (x,y) e nullxs]

             & [(x,y) e nullxs => y=nullxs(x)]

                  Iff-And, 86


            88   y=nullxs(x) => (x,y) e nullxs

                  Split, 87


            89   (x,y) e nullxs => y=nullxs(x)

                  Split, 87


            90   y=nullxs(x)

                  Detach, 89, 82


            91   nullxs(x) e s

                  Substitute, 90, 81


    As Required:


      92   ALL(a):[a e null => nullxs(a) e s]

            4 Conclusion, 77



    Joining results...


      93   Set(null) & Set'(nullxs)

            Join, 5, 22


      94   ALL(a):~a e null & ALL(a):ALL(b):~(a,b) e nullxs

            Join, 15, 39


      95   ALL(a):~a e null & ALL(a):ALL(b):~(a,b) e nullxs

         & ALL(a):[a e null => nullxs(a) e s]

            Join, 94, 92


      96   Set(null) & Set'(nullxs)

         & [ALL(a):~a e null & ALL(a):ALL(b):~(a,b) e nullxs

         & ALL(a):[a e null => nullxs(a) e s]]

            Join, 93, 95



As Required:


97   ALL(s):[Set(s)

    => EXIST(null):EXIST(f):[Set(null) & Set'(f)

    & [ALL(a):~a e null & ALL(a):ALL(b):~(a,b) e f

    & ALL(a):[a e null => f(a) e s]]]]

      4 Conclusion, 2