



  1. Peano systems (n,next,0) and (n',next',0')


  2. f: n --> n'   (as defined below)


  3. f': n' --> n  (as defined below




  1. f' is the inverse of f, i.e. f is a bijection  (lines 19 - 80)


       ALL(a):[a e n => f'(f(a))=a]


  2. f is injective  (lines 81 - 92)


       ALL(a):ALL(b):[a e n & b e n => [f(a)=f(b) => a=b]]


  3. f preserves the successor relation  (lines 93 - 117)


       ALL(a):ALL(b):[a e n & b e n => [next(a)=b <=> next'(f(a))=f(b)]]


(This proof was written with the aid of the author's DC Proof 2.0 software available at






Peano system (n,0,next)



1     Set(n)



2     0 e n



next is a function on n


3     ALL(a):[a e n => next(a) e n]



next is an injective (1-to-1) function


If x has a predecessor, that predecessor is unique.


4     ALL(a):ALL(b):[a e n & b e n => [next(a)=next(b) => a=b]]



0 has no predecessor under next


5     ALL(a):[a e n => ~next(a)=0]



Principle of mathematical induction (PMI) for (n,0,next)


6     ALL(a):[Set(a) & ALL(b):[b e a => b e n]

     => [0 e a & ALL(b):[b e a => next(b) e a]

     => ALL(b):[b e n => b e a]]]




Peano system (n',0',next')



7     Set(n')



8     0' e n'



next' is a function on n'


9     ALL(a):[a e n' => next'(a) e n']



next' is an injective (1-to-1) function


10    ALL(a):ALL(b):[a e n' & b e n' => [next'(a)=next'(b) => a=b]]



0' has no predecessor under next'


11    ALL(a):[a e n' => ~next'(a)=0']



Principle of mathematical induction (PMI) for (n',0',next')


12    ALL(a):[Set(a) & ALL(b):[b e a => b e n']

     => [0' e a & ALL(b):[b e a => next'(b) e a]

     => ALL(b):[b e n' => b e a]]]




Define: f  (previously constructed)   EquivalentPeanoSystemsA.htm



13    ALL(a):[a e n => f(a) e n']



14    f(0)=0'



15    ALL(a):[a e n => f(next(a))=next'(f(a))]




Define: f'  (similarly to f)



16    ALL(a):[a e n' => f'(a) e n]



17    f'(0')=0



18    ALL(a):[a e n' => f'(next'(a))=next(f'(a))]







Prove: f' is the inverse of f by induction


Construct subset p to apply PMI


Applying Subset Axiom...


19    EXIST(sub):[Set(sub) & ALL(a):[a e sub <=> a e n & f'(f(a))=a]]

      Subset, 1


20    Set(p) & ALL(a):[a e p <=> a e n & f'(f(a))=a]

      E Spec, 19


Define: p


21    Set(p)

      Split, 20


22    ALL(a):[a e p <=> a e n & f'(f(a))=a]

      Split, 20


Apply PMI on n


23    Set(p) & ALL(b):[b e p => b e n]

     => [0 e p & ALL(b):[b e p => next(b) e p]

     => ALL(b):[b e n => b e p]]

      U Spec, 6



     Prove: ALL(a):[a e p => a e n]




      24    x e p



      25    x e p <=> x e n & f'(f(x))=x

            U Spec, 22


      26    [x e p => x e n & f'(f(x))=x]

          & [x e n & f'(f(x))=x => x e p]

            Iff-And, 25


      27    x e p => x e n & f'(f(x))=x

            Split, 26


      28    x e n & f'(f(x))=x => x e p

            Split, 26


      29    x e n & f'(f(x))=x

            Detach, 27, 24


      30    x e n

            Split, 29


As Required:


31    ALL(a):[a e p => a e n]

      4 Conclusion, 24


32    Set(p) & ALL(a):[a e p => a e n]

      Join, 21, 31


Sufficient: ALL(b):[b e n => b e p]


33    0 e p & ALL(b):[b e p => next(b) e p]

     => ALL(b):[b e n => b e p]

      Detach, 23, 32



Prove: 0 e p  (base case)


Apply definition of p


34    0 e p <=> 0 e n & f'(f(0))=0

      U Spec, 22


35    [0 e p => 0 e n & f'(f(0))=0]

     & [0 e n & f'(f(0))=0 => 0 e p]

      Iff-And, 34


36    0 e p => 0 e n & f'(f(0))=0

      Split, 35


Sufficient: For 0 e p


37    0 e n & f'(f(0))=0 => 0 e p

      Split, 35


38    f'(f(0))=0

      Substitute, 14, 17


39    0 e n & f'(f(0))=0

      Join, 2, 38


As Required:


40    0 e p

      Detach, 37, 39



     Prove: ALL(a):[a e p => next(a) e p]  (inductive case)




      41    x e p



     Apply definition of p for x


      42    x e p <=> x e n & f'(f(x))=x

            U Spec, 22


      43    [x e p => x e n & f'(f(x))=x]

          & [x e n & f'(f(x))=x => x e p]

            Iff-And, 42


      44    x e p => x e n & f'(f(x))=x

            Split, 43


      45    x e n & f'(f(x))=x => x e p

            Split, 43


      46    x e n & f'(f(x))=x

            Detach, 44, 41


      47    x e n

            Split, 46


      48    f'(f(x))=x

            Split, 46


     Apply definition of p for next(x)


      49    next(x) e p <=> next(x) e n & f'(f(next(x)))=next(x)

            U Spec, 22


      50    [next(x) e p => next(x) e n & f'(f(next(x)))=next(x)]

          & [next(x) e n & f'(f(next(x)))=next(x) => next(x) e p]

            Iff-And, 49


      51    next(x) e p => next(x) e n & f'(f(next(x)))=next(x)

            Split, 50


     Sufficient: For next(x) e p


      52    next(x) e n & f'(f(next(x)))=next(x) => next(x) e p

            Split, 50


     Prove: next(x) e n


      53    x e n => next(x) e n

            U Spec, 3


     As Required:


      54    next(x) e n

            Detach, 53, 47


     Prove: f'(f(next(x)))=next(x)


      55    f'(f(next(x)))=f'(f(next(x)))



      56    x e n => f(next(x))=next'(f(x))

            U Spec, 15


      57    f(next(x))=next'(f(x))

            Detach, 56, 47


      58    f'(f(next(x)))=f'(next'(f(x)))

            Substitute, 57, 55


      59    f(x) e n' => f'(next'(f(x)))=next(f'(f(x)))

            U Spec, 18


      60    x e n => f(x) e n'

            U Spec, 13


      61    f(x) e n'

            Detach, 60, 47


      62    f'(next'(f(x)))=next(f'(f(x)))

            Detach, 59, 61


      63    f'(f(next(x)))=next(f'(f(x)))

            Substitute, 62, 58


     As Required:


      64    f'(f(next(x)))=next(x)

            Substitute, 48, 63


      65    next(x) e n & f'(f(next(x)))=next(x)

            Join, 54, 64


      66    next(x) e p

            Detach, 52, 65


As Required:


67    ALL(a):[a e p => next(a) e p]

      4 Conclusion, 41


68    0 e p & ALL(a):[a e p => next(a) e p]

      Join, 40, 67


As Required:


69    ALL(b):[b e n => b e p]

      Detach, 33, 68



     Prove: ALL(a):[a e n => f'(f(a))=a]




      70    x e n



      71    x e n => x e p

            U Spec, 69


      72    x e p

            Detach, 71, 70


      73    x e p <=> x e n & f'(f(x))=x

            U Spec, 22


      74    [x e p => x e n & f'(f(x))=x]

          & [x e n & f'(f(x))=x => x e p]

            Iff-And, 73


      75    x e p => x e n & f'(f(x))=x

            Split, 74


      76    x e n & f'(f(x))=x => x e p

            Split, 74


      77    x e n & f'(f(x))=x

            Detach, 75, 72


      78    x e n

            Split, 77


      79    f'(f(x))=x

            Split, 77



f' is the inverse of f  (f is a bijection)


As Required:


80    ALL(a):[a e n => f'(f(a))=a]

      4 Conclusion, 70



     Prove: f is injective




      81    x e n & y e n



      82    x e n

            Split, 81


      83    y e n

            Split, 81



          Prove: f(x)=f(y) => x=y




            84    f(x)=f(y)



            85    x e n => f'(f(x))=x

                  U Spec, 80


            86    f'(f(x))=x

                  Detach, 85, 82


            87    f'(f(y))=x

                  Substitute, 84, 86


            88    y e n => f'(f(y))=y

                  U Spec, 80


            89    f'(f(y))=y

                  Detach, 88, 83


            90    x=y

                  Substitute, 87, 89


     As Required:


      91    f(x)=f(y) => x=y

            4 Conclusion, 84


f is injective


As Required:


92    ALL(a):ALL(b):[a e n & b e n => [f(a)=f(b) => a=b]]

      4 Conclusion, 81



     Prove: f preserves successor relation




      93    x e n & y e n



      94    x e n

            Split, 93


      95    y e n

            Split, 93




          Prove: next(x)=y => next'(f(x))=f(y)




            96    next(x)=y



            97    next'(f(x))=next'(f(x))



            98    x e n => f(next(x))=next'(f(x))

                  U Spec, 15


            99    f(next(x))=next'(f(x))

                  Detach, 98, 94


            100  next'(f(x))=f(next(x))

                  Substitute, 99, 97


            101  next'(f(x))=f(y)

                  Substitute, 96, 100


     As Required:


      102  next(x)=y => next'(f(x))=f(y)

            4 Conclusion, 96




          Prove: next'(f(x))=f(y) => next(x)=y




            103  next'(f(x))=f(y)



            104  x e n => f(next(x))=next'(f(x))

                  U Spec, 15


            105  f(next(x))=next'(f(x))

                  Detach, 104, 94


            106  f(next(x))=f(y)

                  Substitute, 105, 103


          Apply injectivity of f


            107  ALL(b):[next(x) e n & b e n => [f(next(x))=f(b) => next(x)=b]]

                  U Spec, 92


            108  next(x) e n & y e n => [f(next(x))=f(y) => next(x)=y]

                  U Spec, 107


            109  x e n => next(x) e n

                  U Spec, 3


            110  next(x) e n

                  Detach, 109, 94


            111  next(x) e n & y e n

                  Join, 110, 95


            112  f(next(x))=f(y) => next(x)=y

                  Detach, 108, 111


            113  next(x)=y

                  Detach, 112, 106


     As Required:


      114  next'(f(x))=f(y) => next(x)=y

            4 Conclusion, 103


      115  [next(x)=y => next'(f(x))=f(y)]

          & [next'(f(x))=f(y) => next(x)=y]

            Join, 102, 114


      116  next(x)=y <=> next'(f(x))=f(y)

            Iff-And, 115


f preserves successor relation


As Required:


117  ALL(a):ALL(b):[a e n & b e n => [next(a)=b <=> next'(f(a))=f(b)]]

      4 Conclusion, 93