

By Dan Christensen


Here we prove that


EXIST(b):[b e u & ALL(a):[a e u => P(a,b)]]  (1)


does not necessarily follow from


ALL(a):[a e u => EXIST(b):[b e u & P(a,b)]]  (2)


where u is the domain of quantification.


While, for some relations P, (1) and (2) can both be true, here we construct an example for which (1) is false and (2) is true:


We have the domain of quantification u = n (the set of natural numbers), and relation P such that P(a,b) iff b>a.





First we list the required axioms/definitions.


Then we establish certain essential facts from these axioms/definitions:


Then we prove (2) is true: Every element of n has number greater element of n.


Finally, we prove (1) if false: No element of n greater than all other elements of n.






Let the domain of quantification u be the set of natural numbers n


1     u=n




Define: P


P(a,b) means b>a


2     ALL(a):ALL(b):[a e n & b e n => [P(a,b) <=> b>a]]




Essential Properties of n and >



Property 1:


3     ALL(a):[a e n => EXIST(b):[b e n & b>a]]



Property 2:


4     ALL(a):ALL(b):[a e n & b e n => [a>b => ~b>a]]







     Prove: ALL(a):[aen => EXIST(b): [ben & P(a,b]]




      5     x e n



     Apply Property 1


      6     x e n => EXIST(b):[b e n & b>x]

            U Spec, 3


      7     EXIST(b):[b e n & b>x]

            Detach, 6, 5


     Define: y


      8     y e n & y>x

            E Spec, 7


      9     y e n

            Split, 8


      10    y>x

            Split, 8


     Apply definition of P


      11    ALL(b):[x e n & b e n => [P(x,b) <=> b>x]]

            U Spec, 2


      12    x e n & y e n => [P(x,y) <=> y>x]

            U Spec, 11


      13    x e n & y e n

            Join, 5, 9


      14    P(x,y) <=> y>x

            Detach, 12, 13


      15    [P(x,y) => y>x] & [y>x => P(x,y)]

            Iff-And, 14


      16    P(x,y) => y>x

            Split, 15


      17    y>x => P(x,y)

            Split, 15


      18    P(x,y)

            Detach, 17, 10


      19    y e n & P(x,y)

            Join, 9, 18


As Required:


20    ALL(a):[a e n => EXIST(b):[b e n & P(a,b)]]

      4 Conclusion, 5


21    ALL(a):[a e u => EXIST(b):[b e u & P(a,b)]]

      Substitute, 1, 20


     Prove: ALL(b):[b e n => EXIST(a):[a e n & ~P(a,b)]]




      22    y e n



     Apply Property 2


      23    y e n => EXIST(b):[b e n & b>y]

            U Spec, 3


      24    EXIST(b):[b e n & b>y]

            Detach, 23, 22


     Define: x


      25    x e n & x>y

            E Spec, 24


      26    x e n

            Split, 25


      27    x>y

            Split, 25


     Apply definition of P


      28    ALL(b):[x e n & b e n => [P(x,b) <=> b>x]]

            U Spec, 2


      29    x e n & y e n => [P(x,y) <=> y>x]

            U Spec, 28


      30    x e n & y e n

            Join, 26, 22


      31    P(x,y) <=> y>x

            Detach, 29, 30


      32    [P(x,y) => y>x] & [y>x => P(x,y)]

            Iff-And, 31


      33    P(x,y) => y>x

            Split, 32


      34    y>x => P(x,y)

            Split, 32


     Sufficient: For ~P(x,y)


      35    ~y>x => ~P(x,y)

            Contra, 33


     Prove: ~y>x


     Apply Property 2


      36    ALL(b):[x e n & b e n => [x>b => ~b>x]]

            U Spec, 4


      37    x e n & y e n => [x>y => ~y>x]

            U Spec, 36


      38    x e n & y e n

            Join, 26, 22


      39    x>y => ~y>x

            Detach, 37, 38


     As Required:


      40    ~y>x

            Detach, 39, 27


      41    ~P(x,y)

            Detach, 35, 40


      42    x e n & ~P(x,y)

            Join, 26, 41


As Required:


43    ALL(b):[b e n => EXIST(a):[a e n & ~P(a,b)]]

      4 Conclusion, 22


Prove: ~EXIST(b):[b e u & ALL(a):[a e u => P(a,b)]


44    ALL(b):[b e u => EXIST(a):[a e u & ~P(a,b)]]

      Substitute, 1, 43


45    ~EXIST(b):~[b e u => EXIST(a):[a e u & ~P(a,b)]]

      Quant, 44


46    ~EXIST(b):~~[b e u & ~EXIST(a):[a e u & ~P(a,b)]]

      Imply-And, 45


47    ~EXIST(b):[b e u & ~EXIST(a):[a e u & ~P(a,b)]]

      Rem DNeg, 46


48    ~EXIST(b):[b e u & ~~ALL(a):~[a e u & ~P(a,b)]]

      Quant, 47


49    ~EXIST(b):[b e u & ALL(a):~[a e u & ~P(a,b)]]

      Rem DNeg, 48


50    ~EXIST(b):[b e u & ALL(a):~~[a e u => ~~P(a,b)]]

      Imply-And, 49


51    ~EXIST(b):[b e u & ALL(a):[a e u => ~~P(a,b)]]

      Rem DNeg, 50


As Required:


52    ~EXIST(b):[b e u & ALL(a):[a e u => P(a,b)]]

      Rem DNeg, 51