

Russell's original Barber scenario:


       barber e men & ALL(a):[a e men => [(barber,a) e shaves <=> ~(a,a) e shaves]]




       men is the set of men in town

       barber is a man in town

       (x,y) e shaves mean x shaves y


This leads to the well known contradiction: (barber,barber) e shaves <=> ~(barber,barber) e shaves


Therefore, we have:


       ~[barber e men & ALL(a):[a e men => [(barber,a) e shaves <=> ~(a,a) e shaves]]] 


The multiple barber scenario:


       ALL(a):[a e men => [EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,a) e shaves] <=> ~(a,a) e shaves]]




       barbers is a subset of men


Here, we establish that


       ALL(a):[a e men => [EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,a) e shaves] <=> ~(a,a) e shaves]]

       <=> ALL(a):[a e barbers => ~(a,a) e shaves]


       i.e. the barbers cannot shave themselves, but they must shave each other


We make the following assumptions about the sets of men, barbers and shaves:


1. barbers is a subset of men.

2. If a man shaves, a unique man in the village (possible he himself) shaves him.

3. If a man does not shave himself, then a barber will shave him.


Note that we will obtain a contradiction if, as in the original scenario, there is only one barber.



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men is a set


1     Set(men)



barbers is a set


2     Set(barbers)



barbers is a subset of men


3     ALL(a):[a e barbers => a e men]



shaves is a set of ordered pairs of men


4     Set'(shaves)



5     ALL(a):ALL(b):[(a,b) e shaves => a e men & b e men]



If a man does not shave himself, then there exists a barber who will shave him.


6     ALL(a):[a e men => [~(a,a) e shaves => EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,a) e shaves]]]



Uniqueness of shavers


7     ALL(a):ALL(b):ALL(c):[a e men & b e men & c e men => [(a,b) e shaves & (c,b) e shaves => a=c]]









     Prove:  ALL(a):[a e men

             => [EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,a) e shaves] => ~(a,a) e shaves]]

             => ALL(a):[a e barbers => ~(a,a) e shaves]




      8     ALL(a):[a e men => [EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,a) e shaves] => ~(a,a) e shaves]]




          Prove: ALL(a):[a e barbers => ~(a,a) e shaves]




            9     x e barbers




              Prove: ~(x,x) e shaves


              Supose to the contrary...


                  10    (x,x) e shaves



                  11    x e men => [EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,x) e shaves] => ~(x,x) e shaves]

                        U Spec, 8


                  12    x e barbers => x e men

                        U Spec, 3


                  13    x e men

                        Detach, 12, 9


                  14    EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,x) e shaves] => ~(x,x) e shaves

                        Detach, 11, 13


                  15    x e barbers & (x,x) e shaves

                        Join, 9, 10


                  16    EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,x) e shaves]

                        E Gen, 15


                  17    ~(x,x) e shaves

                        Detach, 14, 16


                  18    (x,x) e shaves & ~(x,x) e shaves

                        Join, 10, 17


          As Required:


            19    ~(x,x) e shaves

                  4 Conclusion, 10


     As Required:


      20    ALL(a):[a e barbers => ~(a,a) e shaves]

            4 Conclusion, 9


As Required:


21    ALL(a):[a e men => [EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,a) e shaves] => ~(a,a) e shaves]]

     => ALL(a):[a e barbers => ~(a,a) e shaves]

      4 Conclusion, 8





     Prove:  ALL(a):[a e barbers => ~(a,a) e shaves]

             => ALL(a):[a e men => [EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,a) e shaves] => ~(a,a) e shaves]]




      22    ALL(a):[a e barbers => ~(a,a) e shaves]




          Prove: ALL(a):[a e men

                 => [EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,a) e shaves]

                 => ~(a,a) e shaves]]




            23    x e men






              Prove: EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,x) e shaves]

                     => ~(x,x) e shaves




                  24    EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,x) e shaves]



                  25    y e barbers & (y,x) e shaves

                        E Spec, 24


                  26    y e barbers

                        Split, 25


                  27    (y,x) e shaves

                        Split, 25


              Two cases:


                  28    x=y | ~x=y

                        Or Not



                   Case 1


                   Prove: x=y => ~(x,x) e shaves




                        29    x=y



                        30    x e barbers => ~(x,x) e shaves

                              U Spec, 22


                        31    x e barbers

                              Substitute, 29, 26


                        32    ~(x,x) e shaves

                              Detach, 30, 31


              As Required:


                  33    x=y => ~(x,x) e shaves

                        4 Conclusion, 29



                   Case 2


                   Prove: ~x=y => ~(x,x) e shaves




                        34    ~x=y



                        35    ALL(b):ALL(c):[x e men & b e men & c e men => [(x,b) e shaves & (c,b) e shaves => x=c]]

                              U Spec, 7


                        36    ALL(c):[x e men & x e men & c e men => [(x,x) e shaves & (c,x) e shaves => x=c]]

                              U Spec, 35


                        37    x e men & x e men & y e men => [(x,x) e shaves & (y,x) e shaves => x=y]

                              U Spec, 36


                        38    ALL(b):[(y,b) e shaves => y e men & b e men]

                              U Spec, 5


                        39    (y,x) e shaves => y e men & x e men

                              U Spec, 38


                        40    y e men & x e men

                              Detach, 39, 27


                        41    y e men

                              Split, 40


                        42    x e men

                              Split, 40


                        43    x e men & x e men

                              Join, 42, 42


                        44    x e men & x e men & y e men

                              Join, 43, 41


                        45    (x,x) e shaves & (y,x) e shaves => x=y

                              Detach, 37, 44


                        46    ~x=y => ~[(x,x) e shaves & (y,x) e shaves]

                              Contra, 45


                        47    ~[(x,x) e shaves & (y,x) e shaves]

                              Detach, 46, 34


                        48    ~~[(x,x) e shaves => ~(y,x) e shaves]

                              Imply-And, 47


                        49    (x,x) e shaves => ~(y,x) e shaves

                              Rem DNeg, 48


                        50    ~~(y,x) e shaves => ~(x,x) e shaves

                              Contra, 49


                        51    (y,x) e shaves => ~(x,x) e shaves

                              Rem DNeg, 50


                        52    ~(x,x) e shaves

                              Detach, 51, 27


              As Required:


                  53    ~x=y => ~(x,x) e shaves

                        4 Conclusion, 34


                  54    [x=y => ~(x,x) e shaves] & [~x=y => ~(x,x) e shaves]

                        Join, 33, 53


                  55    ~(x,x) e shaves

                        Cases, 28, 54


          As Required:


            56    EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,x) e shaves]

              => ~(x,x) e shaves

                  4 Conclusion, 24


     As Required:


      57    ALL(a):[a e men

          => [EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,a) e shaves]

          => ~(a,a) e shaves]]

            4 Conclusion, 23


As Required:


58    ALL(a):[a e barbers => ~(a,a) e shaves]

     => ALL(a):[a e men

     => [EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,a) e shaves]

     => ~(a,a) e shaves]]

      4 Conclusion, 22


59    [ALL(a):[a e men => [EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,a) e shaves] => ~(a,a) e shaves]]

     => ALL(a):[a e barbers => ~(a,a) e shaves]]

     & [ALL(a):[a e barbers => ~(a,a) e shaves]

     => ALL(a):[a e men

     => [EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,a) e shaves]

     => ~(a,a) e shaves]]]

      Join, 21, 58


As Required:


60    ALL(a):[a e men => [EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,a) e shaves] => ~(a,a) e shaves]]

     <=> ALL(a):[a e barbers => ~(a,a) e shaves]

      Iff-And, 59





     Prove: ALL(a):[a e men => [EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,a) e shaves] <=> ~(a,a) e shaves]]

            => ALL(a):[a e barbers => ~(a,a) e shaves]




      61    ALL(a):[a e men => [EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,a) e shaves] <=> ~(a,a) e shaves]]




          Prove: ALL(a):[a e men

                 => [EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,a) e shaves] => ~(a,a) e shaves]]




            62    x e men



          Apply premise


            63    x e men => [EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,x) e shaves] <=> ~(x,x) e shaves]

                  U Spec, 61


            64    EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,x) e shaves] <=> ~(x,x) e shaves

                  Detach, 63, 62


            65    [EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,x) e shaves] => ~(x,x) e shaves]

              & [~(x,x) e shaves => EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,x) e shaves]]

                  Iff-And, 64


            66    EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,x) e shaves] => ~(x,x) e shaves

                  Split, 65


     As Required:


      67    ALL(a):[a e men

          => [EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,a) e shaves] => ~(a,a) e shaves]]

            4 Conclusion, 62


      68    ALL(a):[a e barbers => ~(a,a) e shaves]

            Detach, 21, 67




As Required:


69    ALL(a):[a e men => [EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,a) e shaves] <=> ~(a,a) e shaves]]

     => ALL(a):[a e barbers => ~(a,a) e shaves]

      4 Conclusion, 61





     Prove: ALL(a):[a e barbers => ~(a,a) e shaves]

            => ALL(a):[a e men => [EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,a) e shaves] <=> ~(a,a) e shaves]]




      70    ALL(a):[a e barbers => ~(a,a) e shaves]




          Prove: ALL(a):[a e men => [EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,a) e shaves] <=> ~(a,a) e shaves]]




            71    x e men



          Apply previous result


            72    [ALL(a):[a e men => [EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,a) e shaves] => ~(a,a) e shaves]] => ALL(a):[a e barbers => ~(a,a) e shaves]]

              & [ALL(a):[a e barbers => ~(a,a) e shaves] => ALL(a):[a e men => [EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,a) e shaves] => ~(a,a) e shaves]]]

                  Iff-And, 60


            73    ALL(a):[a e men => [EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,a) e shaves] => ~(a,a) e shaves]] => ALL(a):[a e barbers => ~(a,a) e shaves]

                  Split, 72


            74    ALL(a):[a e barbers => ~(a,a) e shaves] => ALL(a):[a e men => [EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,a) e shaves] => ~(a,a) e shaves]]

                  Split, 72


            75    ALL(a):[a e men => [EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,a) e shaves] => ~(a,a) e shaves]]

                  Detach, 74, 70


            76    x e men => [EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,x) e shaves] => ~(x,x) e shaves]

                  U Spec, 75


            77    EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,x) e shaves] => ~(x,x) e shaves

                  Detach, 76, 71


          Apply axiom


            78    x e men => [~(x,x) e shaves => EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,x) e shaves]]

                  U Spec, 6


            79    ~(x,x) e shaves => EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,x) e shaves]

                  Detach, 78, 71


            80    [EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,x) e shaves] => ~(x,x) e shaves]

              & [~(x,x) e shaves => EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,x) e shaves]]

                  Join, 77, 79


            81    EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,x) e shaves]

              <=> ~(x,x) e shaves

                  Iff-And, 80


     As Required:


      82    ALL(a):[a e men

          => [EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,a) e shaves]

          <=> ~(a,a) e shaves]]

            4 Conclusion, 71


As Required:


83    ALL(a):[a e barbers => ~(a,a) e shaves]

     => ALL(a):[a e men

     => [EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,a) e shaves]

     <=> ~(a,a) e shaves]]

      4 Conclusion, 70


84    [ALL(a):[a e men => [EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,a) e shaves] <=> ~(a,a) e shaves]]

     => ALL(a):[a e barbers => ~(a,a) e shaves]]

     & [ALL(a):[a e barbers => ~(a,a) e shaves]

     => ALL(a):[a e men

     => [EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,a) e shaves]

     <=> ~(a,a) e shaves]]]

      Join, 69, 83


85    ALL(a):[a e men => [EXIST(b):[b e barbers & (b,a) e shaves] <=> ~(a,a) e shaves]]

     <=> ALL(a):[a e barbers => ~(a,a) e shaves]

      Iff-And, 84