

Following are my proposed axioms for the set of integers (modelled on Peano's Axioms for the natural numbers). Preliminary results are encouraging. Such a structure can be proven to exist given basic arithemetic on the natural numbers and the axioms of set theory (formal proofs to follow). Note, however, that these axioms make no reference to the natural numbers. (This represents a significant departure from my previous posting on this topic.)


Also included here is an "initial test" of theses axioms -- a formal proof of the following:





No integer is its own successor. More formally:


   ALL(a):[a e  int => ~next(a)=a]




   int = the set of integers

   next = the successor function on the integers








1-18     Proposed axioms for set the of integers


19-27    Preliminary results


43-50    Base case for proof


52-76    1st inductive step (=>)


77-99    2nd inductive step (<=)


102-112  Conclusion



This formal proof was written and machine-verified with the aid of the author's DC Proof 2.0 software available at







int = set of integers


1     Set(int)



right = non-negative integers


2     Set(right)



3     ALL(a):[a e right => a e int]



left = non-positive integers


4     Set(left)



5     ALL(a):[a e right => a e int]



z0 = integer zero


6     z0 e int



int is the union of right and light


7     ALL(a):[a e int => a e right | a e left]



z0 is the intersection of right and left


8     ALL(a):[a e int => [a e right & a e left <=> a=z0]]



next is a function mapping int to itself


9     ALL(a):[a e int => next(a) e int]



next is injective


10    ALL(a):ALL(b):[a e int & b e int => [next(a)=next(b) => a=b]]



next is surjective


11    ALL(a):[a e int => EXIST(b):[b e int & next(b)=a]]



next is closed on right


12    ALL(a):[a e right => next(a) e right]



z0 has no predecessor in right


13    ALL(a):[a e right => ~next(a)=z0]



One-way Induction holds on right under successor function next


14    ALL(a):[Set(a) & ALL(b):[b e a => b e right]

     => [z0 e a & ALL(b):[b e a => next(b) e a]

     => ALL(b):[b e right => b e a]]]



The inverse of next is closed on left


15    ALL(a):ALL(b):[a e left & b e int & next(b)=a => b e left]



z0 has no predecessor in left


16    ALL(a):ALL(b):[a e left & b e int & next(b)=a => ~b=z0]



One-way Induction holds of left under inverse of next


17    ALL(a):[Set(a) & ALL(b):[b e a => b e left]

     => [z0 e a & ALL(b):ALL(c):[b e a & c e int & next(c)=b => c e a]

     => ALL(b):[b e left => b e a]]]



Two-way Induction holds on int under successor function next


18    ALL(a):[Set(a) & ALL(b):[b e a => b e int]

     => [z0 e a & ALL(b):[b e int => [b e a <=> next(b) e a]]

     => ALL(b):[b e int => b e a]]]







Prove: z0 e right and z0 e left


Apply Axiom 8


19    z0 e int => [z0 e right & z0 e left <=> z0=z0]

      U Spec, 8


Apply Detachment Rule


20    z0 e right & z0 e left <=> z0=z0

      Detach, 19, 6


21    [z0 e right & z0 e left => z0=z0]

     & [z0=z0 => z0 e right & z0 e left]

      Iff-And, 20


Splitting this result...


22    z0 e right & z0 e left => z0=z0

      Split, 21


23    z0=z0 => z0 e right & z0 e left

      Split, 21


24    z0=z0



Apply Detachment Rule


25    z0 e right & z0 e left

      Detach, 23, 24



As Required:


26    z0 e right

      Split, 25


27    z0 e left

      Split, 25



First, apply Subset Axiom to construct the subset p of integers that are not equal to their successors.

We will prove by 2-way induction that all integers are in this set.


28    EXIST(sub):[Set(sub) & ALL(a):[a e sub <=> a e int & ~next(a)=a]]

      Subset, 1


29    Set(p) & ALL(a):[a e p <=> a e int & ~next(a)=a]

      E Spec, 28



Define: p


30    Set(p)

      Split, 29


31    ALL(a):[a e p <=> a e int & ~next(a)=a]

      Split, 29



Apply two-way induction axiom


32    Set(p) & ALL(b):[b e p => b e int]

     => [z0 e p & ALL(b):[b e int => [b e p <=> next(b) e p]]

     => ALL(b):[b e int => b e p]]

      U Spec, 18



     Prove: ALL(b):[b e p => b e int]




      33    x e p



     Apply definition of p


      34    x e p <=> x e int & ~next(x)=x

            U Spec, 31


      35    [x e p => x e int & ~next(x)=x]

          & [x e int & ~next(x)=x => x e p]

            Iff-And, 34


      36    x e p => x e int & ~next(x)=x

            Split, 35


      37    x e int & ~next(x)=x => x e p

            Split, 35


     Apply Detachment Rule


      38    x e int & ~next(x)=x

            Detach, 36, 33


      39    x e int

            Split, 38


As Required:


40    ALL(b):[b e p => b e int]

      4 Conclusion, 33


Joining results...


41    Set(p) & ALL(b):[b e p => b e int]

      Join, 30, 40



Sufficient: For ALL(b):[b e int => b e p]


Apply Detachment Rule


42    z0 e p & ALL(b):[b e int => [b e p <=> next(b) e p]]

     => ALL(b):[b e int => b e p]

      Detach, 32, 41






Prove: z0 e p


Apply definition of p


43    z0 e p <=> z0 e int & ~next(z0)=z0

      U Spec, 31


44    [z0 e p => z0 e int & ~next(z0)=z0]

     & [z0 e int & ~next(z0)=z0 => z0 e p]

      Iff-And, 43


45    z0 e p => z0 e int & ~next(z0)=z0

      Split, 44


Sufficient: For z0 e p


46    z0 e int & ~next(z0)=z0 => z0 e p

      Split, 44


Apply Axiom 13


47    z0 e right => ~next(z0)=z0

      U Spec, 13


48    ~next(z0)=z0

      Detach, 47, 26


Joining results...


49    z0 e int & ~next(z0)=z0

      Join, 6, 48



As Required:


50    z0 e p

      Detach, 46, 49








      51    x e int




          1ST INDUCTIVE STEP (=>)



          Prove: x e p => next(x) e p




            52    x e p



          Apply definition of p


            53    x e p <=> x e int & ~next(x)=x

                  U Spec, 31


            54    [x e p => x e int & ~next(x)=x]

              & [x e int & ~next(x)=x => x e p]

                  Iff-And, 53


            55    x e p => x e int & ~next(x)=x

                  Split, 54


            56    x e int & ~next(x)=x => x e p

                  Split, 54


          Apply Detachment Rule


            57    x e int & ~next(x)=x

                  Detach, 55, 52


            58    x e int

                  Split, 57


            59    ~next(x)=x

                  Split, 57


          Apply definition of p


            60    next(x) e p <=> next(x) e int & ~next(next(x))=next(x)

                  U Spec, 31


            61    [next(x) e p => next(x) e int & ~next(next(x))=next(x)]

              & [next(x) e int & ~next(next(x))=next(x) => next(x) e p]

                  Iff-And, 60


            62    next(x) e p => next(x) e int & ~next(next(x))=next(x)

                  Split, 61



          Sufficient: For next(x) e p


            63    next(x) e int & ~next(next(x))=next(x) => next(x) e p

                  Split, 61


          Prove: next(x) e int


          Apply Axiom 9


            64    x e int => next(x) e int

                  U Spec, 9


            65    next(x) e int

                  Detach, 64, 51



              Prove: ~next(next(x))=next(x)


              Suppose to the contrary...


                  66    next(next(x))=next(x)



              Apply Axiom 10


                  67    ALL(b):[next(x) e int & b e int => [next(next(x))=next(b) => next(x)=b]]

                        U Spec, 10


                  68    next(x) e int & x e int => [next(next(x))=next(x) => next(x)=x]

                        U Spec, 67


              Joining results...


                  69    next(x) e int & x e int

                        Join, 65, 51


              Apply Detachment Rule


                  70    next(next(x))=next(x) => next(x)=x

                        Detach, 68, 69


              Apply Detachment Rule


                  71    next(x)=x

                        Detach, 70, 66


              Obtain contradiction


              Joining results...


                  72    next(x)=x & ~next(x)=x

                        Join, 71, 59


          As Required:


            73    ~next(next(x))=next(x)

                  4 Conclusion, 66


          Joining results...


            74    next(x) e int & ~next(next(x))=next(x)

                  Join, 65, 73


          Apply Detachment Rule


            75    next(x) e p

                  Detach, 63, 74


     As Required:


      76    x e p => next(x) e p

            4 Conclusion, 52



          2ND INDUCTIVE STEP (<=)



          Prove: next(x) e p => x e p




            77    next(x) e p



          Apply definition of p


            78    next(x) e p <=> next(x) e int & ~next(next(x))=next(x)

                  U Spec, 31


            79    [next(x) e p => next(x) e int & ~next(next(x))=next(x)]

              & [next(x) e int & ~next(next(x))=next(x) => next(x) e p]

                  Iff-And, 78


            80    next(x) e p => next(x) e int & ~next(next(x))=next(x)

                  Split, 79


            81    next(x) e int & ~next(next(x))=next(x) => next(x) e p

                  Split, 79


          Apply Detachment Rule


            82    next(x) e int & ~next(next(x))=next(x)

                  Detach, 80, 77


            83    next(x) e int

                  Split, 82


            84    ~next(next(x))=next(x)

                  Split, 82


          Apply definition of p


            85    x e p <=> x e int & ~next(x)=x

                  U Spec, 31


            86    [x e p => x e int & ~next(x)=x]

              & [x e int & ~next(x)=x => x e p]

                  Iff-And, 85


            87    x e p => x e int & ~next(x)=x

                  Split, 86



          Sufficient for: x e p


            88    x e int & ~next(x)=x => x e p

                  Split, 86



              Prove: ~next(x)=x


              Suppose to the contrary...


                  89    next(x)=x



                  90    ~next(x)=next(x)

                        Substitute, 89, 84


                  91    next(x)=next(x)



              Obtain contradiction


              Joining results...


                  92    next(x)=next(x) & ~next(x)=next(x)

                        Join, 91, 90


          As Required:


            93    ~next(x)=x

                  4 Conclusion, 89


          Joining results...


            94    x e int & ~next(x)=x

                  Join, 51, 93


          Apply Detachment Rule


            95    x e p

                  Detach, 88, 94


     As Required:


      96    next(x) e p => x e p

            4 Conclusion, 77


     Joining results


      97    [x e p => next(x) e p] & [next(x) e p => x e p]

            Join, 76, 96


      98    x e p <=> next(x) e p

            Iff-And, 97



As Required:


99    ALL(b):[b e int => [b e p <=> next(b) e p]]

      4 Conclusion, 51


Joining results...


100  z0 e p

     & ALL(b):[b e int => [b e p <=> next(b) e p]]

      Join, 50, 99



Apply Detachment Rule


As Required:


101  ALL(b):[b e int => b e p]

      Detach, 42, 100



     Prove: ALL(a):[a e int => ~next(a)=a]




      102  x e int



     Apply previous result


      103  x e int => x e p

            U Spec, 101


      104  x e p

            Detach, 103, 102


      105  x e p <=> x e int & ~next(x)=x

            U Spec, 31


      106  [x e p => x e int & ~next(x)=x]

          & [x e int & ~next(x)=x => x e p]

            Iff-And, 105


      107  x e p => x e int & ~next(x)=x

            Split, 106


      108  x e int & ~next(x)=x => x e p

            Split, 106


     Apply Detachment Rule


      109  x e int & ~next(x)=x

            Detach, 107, 104


      110  x e int

            Split, 109


      111  ~next(x)=x

            Split, 109



As Required:


112  ALL(a):[a e int => ~next(a)=a]

      4 Conclusion, 102