
The set of all things cannot exist.


~EXIST(s):[Set(s) & ALL(a):aes]


or equivalently...


ALL(s):[Set(s) => EXIST(a):~a e s]


    (This proof was written with the aid of the author's DC Proof 2.0 software available

    at )





     Prove: ~EXIST(s):[Set(s) & ALL(a):a e s]


     Suppose to the contrary...


      1     Set(u) & ALL(a):a e u



      2     Set(u)

            Split, 1


      3     ALL(a):a e u

            Split, 1


     Apply the Subset Axiom for u


      4     EXIST(sub):[Set(sub) & ALL(a):[a e sub <=> a e u & ~a e a]]

            Subset, 2


     Define: r, the subset of all things that are not elements of themselves. (See Russell's Paradox, link here)


      5     Set(r) & ALL(a):[a e r <=> a e u & ~a e a]

            E Spec, 4


      6     Set(r)

            Split, 5


      7     ALL(a):[a e r <=> a e u & ~a e a]

            Split, 5


     Apply the definition of r to itself


      8     r e r <=> r e u & ~r e r

            U Spec, 7


      9     [r e r => r e u & ~r e r] & [r e u & ~r e r => r e r]

            Iff-And, 8


      10    r e r => r e u & ~r e r

            Split, 9


      11    r e u & ~r e r => r e r

            Split, 9



          Prove: ~r e r


          Suppose to the contrary...


            12    r e r



            13    r e u & ~r e r

                  Detach, 10, 12


            14    r e u

                  Split, 13


            15    ~r e r

                  Split, 13


          Obtain the contradiction...


            16    r e r & ~r e r

                  Join, 12, 15


     Apply the Conclusion Rule.


     As Required:


      17    ~r e r

            4 Conclusion, 12


     Apply the defintion of u to r


      18    r e u

            U Spec, 3


      19    r e u & ~r e r

            Join, 18, 17


      20    r e r

            Detach, 11, 19


     We obtain the contradicition...


      21    ~r e r & r e r

            Join, 17, 20


As Required:


22    ~EXIST(s):[Set(s) & ALL(a):a e s]

      4 Conclusion, 1


23    ~~ALL(s):~[Set(s) & ALL(a):a e s]

      Quant, 22


24    ALL(s):~[Set(s) & ALL(a):a e s]

      Rem DNeg, 23


25    ALL(s):~~[Set(s) => ~ALL(a):a e s]

      Imply-And, 24


26    ALL(s):[Set(s) => ~ALL(a):a e s]

      Rem DNeg, 25


27    ALL(s):[Set(s) => ~~EXIST(a):~a e s]

      Quant, 26


Or equivalently...


As Required:


28    ALL(s):[Set(s) => EXIST(a):~a e s]

      Rem DNeg, 27