Consider the set of all drinkers in that world, and the set of all people in a given pub. Then there exists a person who, if her or she is drinking, then everyone in that pub is drinking. More formally:
EXIST(x):[x e drinkers => ALL(a):[a e pub => a e drinkers]]
(This proof was written with the aid of the author's DC Proof 2.0 software available
From The Paradox of the Universal Set, we have the fact that every set excludes something:
1 ALL(s):[Set(s) => EXIST(a):~a e s]
Let drinkers be the set of all people in the world who are drinkers.
2 Set(drinkers)
Let pub be the set of all people in a given pub
3 Set(pub)
Applying the previous result that every set excludes something to drinkers...
4 Set(drinkers) => EXIST(a):~a e drinkers
U Spec, 1
5 EXIST(a):~a e drinkers
Detach, 4, 2
Define: x (a non-drinker)
6 ~x e drinkers
E Spec, 5
Apply Arbitrary-OR Rule
7 ~x e drinkers | ALL(a):[a e pub => a e drinkers]
Arb Or, 6
8 ~~x e drinkers => ALL(a):[a e pub => a e drinkers]
Imply-Or, 7
9 x e drinkers => ALL(a):[a e pub => a e drinkers]
Rem DNeg, 8
As Required:
10 EXIST(x):[x e drinkers => ALL(a):[a e pub => a e drinkers]]
E Gen, 9